Debt Transaction Chart

Viridian publishes weekly data and analysis on debt capital raises in the Cannabis/CBD/Psychedelic industries. This data includes information about the company issuing debt (public/private, state/country location), deal size, deal structure, pricing, warrants, and credit data.
Debt Commentary
- Debt accounted for 71% of trailing 8-week capital raises. The ratio may go down if companies are able to utilize favorable regulatory-induced stock price increases to complete equity issues. However, equity pricing has remained stubbornly low while the cannabis debt capital markets have reopened.

- The Week’s Debt Transactions
- There were no closed debt transactions this week
Viridian publishes weekly insights on debt capital raises in the Cannabis/CBD/Psychedelic industries. These insights typically highlight the most interesting/meaningful debt transactions of that week, and commentary on market conditions, debt deal structures, and lenders.