Viridian Data Analytics

The Market Intelligence on Cannabis/Hemp/Psychedelic Capital Raise and M&A Transactions used by companies, investors, acquirers and advisors to make informed capital allocation and M&A Decisions.

Transaction Activity for Week:

  • Two capital raises closed in the week ended 1/31/25 for total proceeds of $4.62M. This mirrors last week’s two deals but with $0.72M more in total value this week. This week in 2024 also held two raises with a $46.5M higher total value. The average deal size this week was $2.3M, compared to $25.6M in the period a year ago.


(LTM Ended 1/31/2025)



Equity Capital Raised


















Viridian Cannabis Deal tracker for the week ended 1/31/25

Chart of the Week

Provides insight on the most influential trends from the past week in the Cannabis /Hemp/Psychedelic industries.

Viridian Insights of the Week

Discussion and analysis of the week’s most important cannabis industry themes and events

viridian deal tracker

Weekly analysis of capital raise, investment and M&A transactions in the Cannabis/CBD/ Psychedelic industries

Equity Deals For this week

Provides weekly data and insight into Cannabis/Hemp/Psychedelic industries’ equity issuances.

Debt Deals For this week

Provides weekly data and insight into Cannabis/Hemp/Psychedelic industries’ debt issuances.

M&A Deals for this Week

Provides weekly data and insight into Cannabis/Hemp/Psychedelic industries M&A deals.

Viridian Sector Deal Tracker

Analyzes transactions by industry sector in order to track the flow of capital and M&A across 12 industry sectors – from cultivation to brands to software.

Viridian Regional Deal Tracker

Analyzes deals by location of issuer/seller in order to track the flow of capital and M&A deals by state and country.

Viridian Credit Tracker

Provides credit/liquidity analysis and rankings for over 370 public cannabis and hemp companies.

Viridian Valuation Tracker

Provides valuation analysis for over 370 public Cannabis/Hemp/Psychedelic companies.

YTD Charts for Capital Raises

Consists of an overview of capital raise activity in the Cannabis/Hemp/Psychedelic industries from the current year.

YTD Charts for M&A

Consists of an overview of the M&A activity in the Cannabis/Hemp/Psychedelic industries from the current year.

European Deal Tracker

The European Deal Tracker is a monthly report that includes all equity, debt, and M&A transactions that occurred in the region.


Group 1529

Equity Deals

Provides weekly data and insight into Cannabis /Hemp/Psychedelic industries’ equity issuances

Group 1531

Debt Deals

Provides weekly data and insight into Cannabis/Hemp/Psychedelic industries debt issuances

Group 1507

M&A Deals

Provides weekly data and insight into Cannabis/Hemp/Psychedelic industries M&A deals.


Group 1530

Valuation Tracker

Provides valuation analysis for over 370 public Cannabis/Hemp/Psychedelic companies.


Group 1506

Credit Tracker

Provides credit/liquidity analysis and rankings for over 370 public cannabis/Hemp companies.

Group 1504

Industry Sector Tracker

Analyzes transactions by industry sector in order to track the flow of capital and M&A across 12 industry sectors – from cultivation to brands to software.

Group 1509

Regional Tracker

Analyzes deals by location of issuer/seller in order to track the flow of capital and M&A deals by state and country.

Group 1503

Chart of the Week

Provides insight on the most influential trends from the past week in the Cannabis /Hemp/ Psychedelic industries.

Group 1507

LATin america deal tracker

The Latin America Deal Tracker is a monthly report that includes all equity, debt, and M&A transactions that occurred in the region.

Group 1507

Deal Tracker

The European America Deal Tracker is a monthly report that includes all equity, debt, and M&A transactions that occurred in the region.


Group 1582

YTD Charts for Capital Raises

Consists of an overview of capital raise activity in the Cannabis/Hemp/Psychedelic industries from the current year.


Group 1581

YTD Charts
for M&A

Consists of an overview of the M&A activity in the Cannabis/Hemp/Psychedelic industries from the current year.

Viridian Capital Advisors Offers unique propriety data services including:

Examples of our data, analytics, and market intelligence

Equity Deal Tracker

The Equity Deal Tracker includes a weekly analysis of equity issuance. Data includes issuer specific information, deal size, pricing, share information, deal implied valuation information, and warrant information.

M&A Deal Tracker

The M&A Deal Tracker includes a weekly analysis of mergers & acquisitions in the cannabis industry. Weekly data on deals includes the acquiror and target information, deal size, type of deal, structure, and valuation information.

Credit Tracker

When it comes to credit ratings for Cannabis/HEMP/Psychedelic companies, many investors, acquirers, and lenders have been left in the dark with a lack of information. With Viridian’s data and market intelligence, that is no longer the case. The Viridian Cannabis Credit Tracker is the first of its kind, providing users with a proprietary credit ranking system for companies based on a company’s liquidity, leverage, profitability, and size.

Equity Capital Raises

Viridian publishes weekly data and insights on equity capital raises in the Cannabis/CBD/Psychedelic industries. This data includes information about the company issuing equity, deal size, pricing, share information, deal implied valuation, and warrants.

Debt Capital Raises

Viridian publishes weekly data and insights on debt capital raises in the Cannabis/CBD/Psychedelic industries. This data includes information about the company issuing debt, deal size, pricing, warrants, and credit data.

M&A Deals

Viridian publishes weekly data and insights on M&A in the Cannabis/CBD/Psychedelic industries. This data includes information about the acquiring company, type of deal, consideration, target company, and valuation metrics.

Viridian Cannabis Valuation Tracker

The Viridian Value Tracker is the most comprehensive valuation product in the industry.

  • A broad set of 12 valuation measures assures applicability, regardless of whether the company has analyst coverage or revenues.  The typically presented EV/ Projected Revenues and EV/ Projected EBITDA are available for less than 1/3 of cannabis companies we track.
  • Most valuation studies present only the average valuation measures, while the Tracker goes one step further and shows the distribution of values (the quartiles, median, and dispersion) for each measure. This gives users a more complete view of how companies in the cohort group are valued.

Viridian Credit Tracker

Credit ratings are not currently available for public cannabis companies leaving companies, lenders and investors with a gap of information. The Viridian Cannabis Credit Tracker fills this gap. The model uses 11 market and financial statement variables to discern 4 key credit factors: Liquidity, Leverage, Profitability, and Size, to provide credit/liquidity analysis for over 370 public Cannabis/Hemp companies.

Viridian Cannabis Sector Tracker Description

The Viridian Sector Tracker is the premier resource to follow the movement of capital and M&A by sector. Viridian Capital Advisors partitions the cannabis universe into 12 subsectors and each week we follow the transactions that occur in each of these subsectors, giving investors the ability to spot sector rotations early. 

Viridian Cannabis Regional Tracker Description

The Viridian Cannabis Regional Tracker is the premier resource to follow the movement of capital and M&A by location.

Cannabis industry capital raises and M&A activity are shifting. Newly legalized states in the Central and Northeast have become the focus of an increasing amount of capital deployment to fund new cultivation capacity and new dispensaries. MSOs are often finding it more advantageous to build scale in new states through acquisition rather than internal build, leading to a similar shift in M&A activity.

The Regional Tracker gives investors/sellers and acquisitors being targeted a clear view of where capital is being allocated.


The Viridian Capital Chart of the Week highlights key investment, valuation and M&A trends taken from that week’s Deal Tracker that we believe are impactful for investors, companies and acquirers. 

Latin America Deal Tracker

The Latin America Deal Tracker is a monthly report that includes all equity, debt, and m&a transactions that occurred in the region. 

european Deal Tracker

The European America Deal Tracker is a monthly report that includes all equity, debt, and M&A transactions that occurred in the region. 


The YTD Charts for Capital Raises includes a detailed breakdown of capital raises in the cannabis industry year to date. Charts include a breakdown between Public and Private Capital raises, Equity & Debt raises, and Capital raises by sector.


Year to Date Charts for M&A includes a detailed breakdown of Mergers and Acquisitions for the current year. Charts break deal data between public and private deal makers and sectors.