
Valuation Tracker

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Weekly Valuation Tracker

Viridian highlights a specific industry sector and provides a deep dive into valuation metrics and comparable company valuations for public companies operating in that sector.  The Weekly Valuation Tracker provides proprietary, actionable valuation data.

Weekly Valuation Report – Valuations Tempered by Credit Quality

  • The weekly valuation screen takes the 31 U.S. MSOs on which we rank credit quality weekly. We removed the bottom five credits and any companies that do not have analyst coverage. The remaining 14 are shown on the graph below.
  • The blue bar depicts the EV / 2025 EBITDA multiple. The red bar shows the relative credit ranking of the companies as ranked against each other. The green line depicts an attractiveness index formed by taking the EV/2025 EBITDA multiple multiplied by the square root of the credit index (to prevent overstating the role of safety vs cheapness).
  • The resulting graph shows the most attractive stocks on the left. Note that companies like Green Thumb (GTII: CSE) are not on many investors’ most attractive list because of their relatively high multiple; however, the number one safety ranking more than offsets the high multiple in this analysis.
  • On the other side of the scale, Schwazze (SHWX: Cboe) appears to be relatively cheap on an EBITDA multiple basis. However, its high credit risk offsets that and renders the stock relatively unattractive in our analysis.
  • We do not pretend that this attractiveness ranking is a perfect analysis, given its arbitrary weighting of credit risk vs valuation multiples. Still, the logic is sound. Investors should be doing precisely this kind of weighting of attractive multiples vs. risk.

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Valuation Tracker By Sector

The Viridian Value Tracker is the most comprehensive valuation product in the industry.

    • A broad set of 12 valuation measures assures applicability, regardless of whether the company has analyst coverage or revenues.  The typically presented EV/ Projected Revenues and EV/ Projected EBITDA are available for less than 1/3 of the cannabis companies we track.
    • Most valuation studies present only the average valuation measures, while the Tracker goes one step further and shows the distribution of values (the quartiles, median, and dispersion) for each measure. This gives users a more complete view of how companies in the cohort group are valued.

Weekly Sector Valuation Report – Infused Products and Extracts Sector

  • The twenty-one companies in the Infused Products and Extracts Sector are trading at relatively healthy multiples.
  • The median EV/ Annualized Revenue multiple is now 2.2x, and the EV/ 2024 EBITDA is 1.78x.
  • Only two of the companies have sell-side analyst coverage, and the. Median EV/ 2024 Revenues is 1.17x while  median EV/ 2025 EBITDA is 7.57x.

This Chart is Only Available to Higher Tier Memberships

Please Purchase a Premium or Enterprise membership to see more.

Weekly Sector Valuation Report – Infused Products and Extracts Sector

  • The twenty-one companies in the Infused Products and Extracts Sector are trading at relatively healthy multiples.
  • The median EV/ Annualized Revenue multiple is now 2.2x, and the EV/ 2024 EBITDA is 1.78x.
  • Only two of the companies have sell-side analyst coverage, and the. Median EV/ 2024 Revenues is 1.17x while  median EV/ 2025 EBITDA is 7.57x.