Debt Capital Raises

Debt Transaction Chart

Viridian publishes weekly data and analysis on debt capital raises in the Cannabis/CBD/Psychedelic industries. This data includes information about the company issuing debt (public/private, state/country location), deal size, deal structure, pricing, warrants, and credit data.

Week ended 09/08/2023

Debt Commentary

Viridian publishes weekly insights on debt capital raises in the Cannabis/CBD/Psychedelic industries. These insights typically highlight the most interesting/meaningful debt transactions of that week, and commentary on market conditions, debt deal structures, and lenders.

Week ended 09/08/2023

  • Debt accounted for 21% of trailing 8-week capital raises, down sharply due to the recent Compass Pathways equity transaction and lack of significant recent debt deals. We expect this ratio to be volatile because of the limited capital raise activity. It will be interesting to see which companies take advantage of the rescheduling-spurred price increases to issue equity.


The Week’s Largest Closed Debt Issue:

  • On September 8, 2023, Optimi Health (OPTI: CSE)(OPTHF: OTCQX), an $11M market cap Canadian drug research and formulation company licensed by Health Canada to manufacture psychedelic substances like MDMA and GMP-grade psilocybin, closed a security agreement for $0.732M.
  • The loan carries a 7.5% interest rate and matures on August 29, 2026.
  • The lenders were granted a total of 100,000 warrants exercisable for three years at $0.366 per share (173.4% premium).
  • The warrants offer around 5% coverage; however, the extreme premium renders them nearly worthless, increasing the yield by only 1bp to 7.51%.
  • The loan is secured by substantially all of the assets of the company.
  • The loan represents the second tranche of a loan agreement in which the first $1M tranche was provided by the company’s chairman’s investment firm, potentially explaining what appears to us to be highly aggressive pricing. As a small, negative cash flow company with extremely tight liquidity, we would not expect Optimi to be able to finance at 7.5%.
  • Optimi has low leverage with a debt-to-market cap of only .07x. However, Optima has extremely weak liquidity. Its current ratio is marginal at 1.03x, but its free cash flow adjusted current ratio is critically low at -2.4x because of its $-3.7M annualized free cash flow. We expect the company to require more financing shortly.

Week ended 09/08/2023

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Weekly Credit Tracker

Each week, Viridian highlights a specific industry sector and provides a deep dive into credit metrics and comparable company credit rankings for public companies operating in that sector.  Credit ratings are not currently available for public cannabis companies leaving companies, lenders, and investors with a gap of information. The Viridian Cannabis Credit Tracker fills this gap. The model uses 11 market and financial statement variables to discern 4 key credit factors: Liquidity, Leverage, Profitability, and Size, to provide credit/liquidity analysis for over 370 public Cannabis/Hemp companies.

This week’s credit tracker focuses on the 7 Canadian Cultivation & Retail sector companies with market caps between $50M and $500M in the Viridian Value Tracker database in order to make the case that Auxly had a good reason to sell assets, even at prices significantly below its cost:  The firm is over levered and needs to sell assets to reduce debt.  The Viridian Credit tracker ranking system shows Auxly near the bottom of the peer group in terms of credit quality. 

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This Chart is Only Available to Higher Tier Memberships

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